Passive house - Home In The Middle of Nature

beukenburg 121009 08 Home In The Middle of Nature
This lovely Passive House estate was designed by Dutch architects Sluijmer & Van Leeuwen and is currently owned by the Utrecht Landscape Foundation. The villa represented a challenge from the very start.
beukenburg 121009 05 Home In The Middle of Nature
Building something in the middle of nature is not always easy, because the resources are sometimes scarce.
beukPassive Home
Great Modern Passive House Passive Home
This is why a huge creative effort was needed in order to create this fantastic design with all the utilities included in a place surrounded by “185 hectares of forests and agricultural land”. Still, everything turned out great. The exterior design is something else and the interiors are beautiful and spacious. Have a pick at results in the pictures below!
Modern Luxury Passive House Home In The Middle of Nature 
Modern Luxury Passive House Home In The Middle of Nature

Modern Luxury Passive House Home In The Middle of Nature
Modern Luxury Passive House

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